Posts Tagged ‘pants’

Pants or No Pants? That is the Question

Recently I have noticed that my son likes to take his pants off the minute he comes home. Why is this? He seems to like his pants. At least he doesn’t complain about them.  But still they come off almost immediately. When he was little AJ didn’t like jeans, only soft pants. Soft pants were anything that wasn’t denim. Now I am a single mom,  I didn’t teach him to go pantless like this. Maybe change into some wonderfully comfortable sweatpants or yoga pants, but not completely without pants. I understood when he was little, he did it when the pants weren’t soft enough. But now?

Is this something that is genetic?  I don’t know if his father did this, but it seems like a lot of males do it. According to Hollywood anyway. What makes this slightly more amusing is that AJ had pants on, went to the store, came back and took his pants off again knowing that we were leaving the house within 10 minutes. Its like a compulsion! The other side of this is how modest he is.he has to wear pants even to get the mail. PJ bottoms and boxer shorts are not okay to get the mail, he has to change into pants. Why? No one would know they were boxers. No one would care about the PJ’s.

Its not just that he takes pants off needlessly either, sometimes he changes his pants three or four times. Just because.  I don’t quite get it. This is one of those mysterious teen age boy things isn’t it? Like how do they eat so much? Or why they spend so long in the shower? Its longer than a teen age girl!


Missing socks

I love this commercial! Just the whole idea of the missing sock. We have all had the washing machine eat that one sock or was the laundry monster? I am still not sure. Although I did find one pair of my work pants, I still feel like AJ and I are missing clothes. How this is possible I am still trying to figure out. I want to go on the record now and say that I don’t use tide I just like the commercial. Sadly, the nearest Target to me is an hour away. This is what happens when you move to a state that doesn’t really like commercialism. I know this may be hard to imagine but I have also learned to live without Walmart  The only Walmart in our area is really inconvenient  especially without a car. Rite Aide though has become my savior!

I am still searching for the elusive Garfield cartoon strip. I know it exists, but there are so many Garfield strips. I vow to find it though. I will not give up!


There is something strange going on. Laundry was done less than a week ago and clothes are missing. There must be something lurking around dryer. This wouldn’t seem unusual except that I have my own washer and dryer. If I had to go to the laundry mat I would understand. Someone stole our clothes. But no. This is my house. Within just a few days of laundry being done I could not find any of my black pants. I have several pairs and don’t wear them every day. Today, AJ could not find any pants or long sleeved shirts. My only conclusion is the laundry monster.

We all know the laundry monster. Usually it’s happy just eating the left sock or eating tiny holes into the socks. But this time the laundry monster has eaten entire outfits! I can almost hear the diabolical laugh as it makes away with my clothes. I expect to hear “feed me” when I open the dryer. If it were possible I would starve this monster out. And
As much as I would love the shopping that goes along with starving the monster, I don’t think it’s feasible.

I feel like that Garfield comic when he is trying to find Jons sock. He comes face to face with the laundry monster and ends up feeding it I think. I may have to find this comic now. I remember it from my childhood. It has been awhile since the laundry monster has struck. This may be a long battle since it has invaded my house but I intend to win! The laundry monster will not eat anymore clothes.

At least it was smart enough to leave my socks alone.