Happy Easter

Pretty pink bows and soft, yellow chicks. The signs of spring are all around us. There are buds on the trees even though there are flakes falling from the sky. Look close! You can see  the first of the perennials popping through. Soon they will open, yawn and bring cheer to the dismal grey of the old man winter. It is spring! The air is almost warm enough to go without a coat. Everywhere you look there are signs of hope, life renewed, and new beginnings. Now is the time of the new year. Now is when plans for the future are made. Things to do, places to go and people to see. More options abound.

Beware! With the new crisp colors, comes the bane of mothers everywhere. MUD SEASON! Little boys and mud puddles, tadpoles and polliwogs  all love this season. It’s a time to be dirty, to jump with wild abandon, to land with a splash and a smile. It is the time of boots, blue jeans and loads of laundry. Now is the time to remember, and smile and not worry about the mud on the rug. All too soon the mud will harden and bring an older wiser season. One with out mud but just as delightful.

Cotton tails and eggs, baskets and funky colored grass. Now is the time to be hopeful, to be loving and together. Color is sneaking in everywhere. Are you ready?

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