Posts Tagged ‘love’

Let it snow!


I was waiting for the bus to go home and the snow falling on the trees in the lamplight was beautiful. Sadly, my cell phone doesn’t give the scene its justice. I’m just happy that it looks like it is going to be a white Christmas. Snow definitely helps the Christmas spirit. Not that I haven’t been waiting for Christmas all year.

For me, Christmas isn’t about the presents or the commercialism. Its the warm feeling of those you love being happy. That’s something you can’t buy. I’ve tried to teach this to my son. But I think all he sees is me “being crazy” about Christmas. In reality, without the lights or the candy canes I would still love Christmas. Its a feeling that I try to keep all year. You can’t buy that.

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is perhaps one of the most underrated holidays there is. If you ask anyone I know they will tell you I love Christmas. I won’t contest this fact, but what very few people know is that I equally love Thanksgiving. My love for these holidays comes from the feelings of togetherness, of love, and contentment.

Thanksgiving, it’s name says it all. We are to give thanks for what we have. It is not the superficial things we should be thankful for. Friends, family, getting through the obstacles that came in our path through out the year. These are what we should really be thankful for. My phone, my iPod .. I can live without those. I can’t live without my son, for him I am truly thankful.

In my lifetime I have seen the gradual decay of the values that encompass Thanksgiving. I never understood the whole football thing, and I still don’t but it is as much a part of the day as the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. Today is about family and being together. Throughout the year, our busy lives keep us separated  But Thanksgiving is that day of the year to come together, to reconnect, to show family we love them.

I have to work tomorrow. As much as I don’t really want to, I won’t contest it. Tomorrow is the day after. Tomorrow is 32 days until Christmas. I won’t be shopping, especially at the big box stores. There is nothing I want so bad that I will put some poor, minimum wage making soul through that. And I will not be shopping today. If I need an egg, I will go to the neighbors. They way we used to. There is no reason for anyone to have to work today. At least none of the employees in the retail world. Just because the single mom needs a job to feed her children is no reason for her to give up this day. The CEO’s of these companies are at home with their families, enjoying their time. They aren’t worried about missing those precious moments of childhood because you need a job so bad you can’t say “No, I won’t work on Thanksgiving.” Those members of society who have to work, the hospital staff, the police officers, firemen and emergency responders, should be enraged that corporate america is now making retail seem as important as these important professions.

I hope that your Thanksgiving is good and that you don’t have to work. I will be spending the day with my family, it will be small. But full of the things that make this holiday worth celebrating. The love and warmth of being together.

Happy Thanksgiving